Do you find yourself coming apart at the smallest trial? Wanting to give up for all the negative things you see? Sometimes the things we think are problems are not problems at all. The problem is our perception of things. We must not let the pressures of this life keep us from truly living, deeply loving. The love of many will grow cold as the days grow darker and darker. We must watch unto prayer...

"Prove all things; hold fast that which is good." I Thess 5:21

There is so much we have that we can give away. Most of us have more than we could possibly use. We spend time talking about things that will make no eternal difference. We argue to make a point when there is no point. We do everything we can to keep schedules and to keep our lives busy making many plans. Sometimes we miss life while we are trying so hard to live it.

What can you do about anything? What can you do for anyone? You can commit them to prayer and as you pray trust that God will lead you in the way that you should go, and is leading them in the way that they need to go. The path is narrow and few that find it.

Father, please help us to cling to your word, to listen and obey. To do your word and not just hear it. Please remind us God that it is not experience that we need to look for, it is not another person we need to draw near, it is just You that we must seek to know.


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