No substitutes, no artifical ingredients. I think we have need for repentence for going somewhere else other than to Jesus for what we have need of. He is the ALL sufficient one, God Almighty. The Balm of Gilead. He is the God that heals. He is our Redeemer, Deliverer, Saviour, and Friend. Yet, we look for another, going here and there, attending meeting after meeting, reading all kinds of books, putting our trust in something other than Jesus. Only He has the words of life.

"Come unto me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls." Matthew 11:28-29

Jesus said, "COME UNTO ME..." Who can say they have found rest for their souls? But only the one who has come to Jesus. The one who admits that nothing else will do. That there is no other way. The one who has realized that there is no help for them in man. What substitutes Jesus in your life? What is your peace? What makes you feel secure? What do you give all your time, affections, and energy to? Do you feel weary and burdened? Are you confused and tired? Come to Jesus, and give Him all you have been trying to figure out and hold onto...let it all go. Be free in Jesus name to rest.


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