WOMEN --- We need to check our nagging mistrust at the door. Do you honestly think your husband wants to come home to an interrigation? Hows about putting some of that energy and thought into how much more you could be serving him, loving him, and appreciating him.

Yes, some of us are good at multi-tasking, but do not allow your thoughts to travel and wonder about in foolish speculation while you're doing housework, taking care of the children, or cooking. There is alot to be done. It's hard to accomplish something with excellence if you are divided and are doing it with half of your heart. Food taste better when it is cooked with love. Home is a place of rest when strife is not a welcomed guest. If there is strife, do not let it come through you. Do whatever you have to do to get rid of a wrong attitude. Cry your eyes out to God, go for a run, jump in some icecold water. Do not allow a rebellious and critical spirit to be in you, bitterness, envy, or resentment is all that will come of it.

Pray and intercede for your husband if everything is wrong or if everything seems right. We should be doing everything by prayer. If your husband is behaving like an unbeliever HERE IS YOUR CHANCE to win him by your meek and quiet spirit. If he is a godly man then there should be nothing but thanks and praise flowing out of your mouth. In any case, petition the Lord to show you how you can best honor him. As you honor him, you are honoring your Lord and Saviour. Do not dare speak evil of him to anyone (not even to your bestfriend). Remember your do him good all the days of your life. Are you doing him good? or are you rottenness to his bones? Would he prefer to stay on the roof or in the desert? If so, you might want to take an evaluation of yourself and examine your behaviour and your words and your attitudes and ask God for help.

Woman, the Lord is your defender, your protector, your provider. If your husband is not being a husband to do not need to listen to the lies of the enemy that are attacking your mind, (whispering) it's because you are not worthy of being loved or cared for. Jesus' love makes you worthy. Your husband's mind could be preoccupied with worries, cares, frustrations, or other things. Be merciful. Be understanding. Be forgiving. Pray. The Lord raises the dead. Surely he can restore love and desire and a right heart and mind. Be patient. Be still. Refuse to complain. Instead give thanks and hope always...

RESPECT YOUR HUSBAND! (Thus saith the Lord)


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