"I said to the LORD, "You are my Lord; apart from you I have no good thing." Psalm 16:2

Honored to talk with a friend of mine last night, we swapped some testimonies of answered prayers and spoke of some that we are still awaiting resolve and understanding on. It was clear to me as I layed down to rest and reflected upon our conversation, that I should write something addressesing the current need of many of us to "do something" where we have been "doing nothing."

We need to be careful that we are not faking our way through life in regards to our relationship with God, fooling ourselves and others by doing the least we can to skim by and appear to be "doing good". Casting crowns has a song entitled, "slow fade" that talks about people never crumble in a day. Referring to the passage in scripture that reminds us to be careful when we think we stand lest we fall. Some of us have already fallen and may not even realize it, because we have lied to ourself for so long. If a person hears a lie enough times they can start believing it's the truth. It still does not change the fact that it's a lie just because someone believe it's truth.

The importance of reading God's word is a double edge sword. It arms us with strength to resist the enemy and quenches every fiery dart of the wicked one. It also gives us discernment and understanding to comprehend the truth of God's word and it enables us to know and discern the motives and intent of our hearts. I am asking you to please obey God's word and examine yourself. Examine what it is that you think about. Listen to the words that pour from your mouth and realize...this is the contents of your heart.

Are you speaking ill of your neighbor? Are you accusing someone repeatedly in your mind? Do you stand by and do nothing while someone else is being falsely accused or their name is being dragged through the mud? Are you doing what you would want done unto you? Seriously, in every area of your life? Do your actions and words bring about justice, righteousness, and mercy? Can the world look at your life and know you belong to Christ Jesus because of your love? Or do you look the same as everybody else? Are you just trying to fit in rather than laying down your life?

It should grieve you to know that many think they belong to Christ, yet they have none of Him. They hate their brother who they can see, yet claim to love God who they cannot see. Love is undeniable. Your actions and words tell the world exactly what you believe whether you think so or not. Many of us have wondered away from the truth, have relied on our own understanding (God helps those who help themselves), and have shipwrecked our faith. Out to sea apart from the Word of God, we are believing the lie that we are standing firm. In reality, we are barely hanging on to particles of what used to be our faith. Sharkbait.

Look for the Lighthouse. Keep your eyes on the light where true hope shines. It will help you find the way back to shore. Once you are on solid ground and have found your footing, let God's word be the lamp unto your feet and the light unto your path. Realize you have been given another chance at life, do it right. Do something and not nothing with what you have been given. Speak up on someone's behalf if you hear them being bad mouthed. Forgive a debt. Give a listening ear. Repent for being a slacker, for doing nothing when you could have done something.

You want to move on? You want to go forward? Living love will move you forward like nothing else. Look in the mirror of God's word and let it shine the light of truth and reveal what's really at the core of you. God wants you to be free more than you want to be free. He gave you His word.

"I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing." John 15:5


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